Thursday, January 21, 2021

What kills young people more than anything? Unrealistic Expectations

 We are told we can "DO ANYT'HING". We can "BECOME PRESIDENT" of the United States.

Well. Yes. This is true but out of 328 million of us how many are going to be president in ANY 4 year. period?


So, that leaves the rest of the 328 million minus one feeling that we have failed somehow?

That's just so much bull shit!

These are the kinds of unrealistic expectations I'm talking about that kill young people every day before they get practical enough to call "BULLSHIT!" on ideas like this one.

What is Survival About?

NOT BECOMING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES  which is obviously only for a select few. And people who aspire to be president will 99.999 percent of the time be very disappointed and sometimes self destruct in various ways when it doesn't happen.

Which is statistically at least RIDICULOUS!

Which is why European and American Culture (at least for White PEOPLE) who get educated a lot towards Alcoholism, and Drug abuse and all sorts of self destructive behavior when people realize they are going to disappoint their parents and themselves in some way career wise!

So, how do you make it through these times from 12 to 25 or 30?

You have to call BULLSHIT! on the whole system and figure out what you can actually live with doing on a daily basis without self destructing or killing yourself!

Otherwise, you are just dead and that's all which is a complete waste of time for everyone including you!

So, what do you love doing?

And how can you make a living doing what you love?

And are you adaptable enough to keep going as you and the world changes and your lovers change or your wives change or your business changes over time?

Are you a survivor?

Or are you completely full of shit?

You better find all this out before you are dead from your self destructive tendencies.

This is especially true between around 12 and 30 for EVERYONE!

Find out what you love and care about and what will keep you alive!

If you don't then you will be gone sooner than you presently expect!

Have compassion for yourselves and others so you can live a long life and save everyone you know from their suffering too!

By God's Grace

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